Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Crazy, Right?

Everything changed when I step through these doors. I used to be loud, obnoxious, funny, great to hang out with...But now I'm just not me. Or is this who I've been all along? In my comfortable setting I wasn't the shyest and I wasn't the loudest but I met new people and I talked to everyone. That's just who I was (and hopefully still am.)
How do I break this steel shell that surrounds me? How do I break down the barrier and become who I was? This is obviously really frustrating and I can't seem to break this or shake it off. I know I shouldn't worry but I do. What if I am that one person that doesn't have those lifelong friends after college? What if everyone thinks that I can't o anything on my own? Like my roommate clearly stated just a few moments ago.
Playing "what if" is not exactly a great way to build yourself up. And that is what I need right now confidence. I need to figure out who I am going to be. Who I need to associate myself with. I need to make friends...and MY friends. Not people I was forced to talk to since moving in or people that are always hanging out with my roommate. I need to become an individual.
Okay, so now that I know what I need to be and what I want to do I should go out and chase my dreams right? Yea, It's that easy only in thought or speech. I need to be the one to talk to everyone come up with clever things to say and have a good time with people that I don't even know.
That challenge is going to be my goal. To be able to get up and speak my mind without anyone here caring. I did it in high school I can do it again...right? I believe so.
So what is this blog about anyway?

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